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Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
RUDRACARPETS.COM +cogwheels 35
RUKASI +cogwheels & arc 6, 7
RUSTY HANDY +cogwheels 1
S SPAROLD +cogwheels & arro 35
SAAD ADVERTISING +cogwheels 35
SAFLOW +squares & cogwheels 6
cogwheels 7
SAUDAGAR +cogwheels & ovals 7
SD SAKTHI DRIVES +cogwheels 7
SELCO +cogwheels 4
SETTINGS +cogwheels 25, 35, 42
SETTINGS +cogwheels & squar 9, 16, 28, 38, 41
SEW +cogwheels 7
SGM +swastika & cogwheels 19
SPAROLD +cogwheels & arrow 37
SPYTOFF +cogwheels 5
SSAM TEKNOKON +cogwheels 42
STRATEGEM +cogwheels 1
cogwheels 45
SUDARSHAN +cogwheels 30
SYSTEM PLAST +cogwheels 6, 7
T TARAMI +cogwheels 43
cogwheels 9
TECHNOKRATS +cogwheels 16
TECHNOKRATS +cogwheels arro 16
THE FOOD MILL +cogwheels 43
THE SECOND GEAR +cogwheels 35
cogwheels 16
TRANSOLO +cogwheels 7
UGI +circles & cogwheels 7
UNISERVE +cogwheels 9, 16
UNIVERSE +cogwheels 9, 16
UPS +cogwheels 35
UPS ONLINE TOOLS +cogwheels 9, 35
VEDA +cogwheels 7
VERCORD +cogwheels 9
VIRTUOSO +cogwheels & arcs 41
VISCUS +cogwheels 4
W +cogwheels 12
WP REX lube oil +cogwheels 4
X2 +cogwheels 6
Y YANTRA +arcs & cogwheels 36
basant-BI +cogwheels 7
cogwheels 16
original part +cogwheels 7
r RELI TECH +cogwheels arro 7
r ROYAL GROUP +cogwheels 41
ready engineer +cogwheels 41, 42
shri om SC +cogwheels woman 30
square cogwheels & chain 12
work WISE +cogwheels 42
coil 5
ANGEL mosquito coil 5
ARYAMAN auto coil spring 12
CC coil company +arrows 11
DHOOM mosquito coil +child 5
DREAM NIGHT mosquito coil 5
EURO coil 5
FARGO mosquito coil 5
FLEXO mosquito coil 5
FOUR STAR mosquito coil 5
GOOD KNIGHT smoke less coil 5
JET jumbo coil GODREJ 5
LOVELY NIGHT mosquito coil 5
MAGNETO mosquito coil +oval 5
ODOMOS +coil 5
ODOMOS +woman child & coil 5
PERFECT no-volt coil 9
PUNCH mosquito coil 5
coil 5
TC-3 TRIPLE coil +square 11
THARAA real mosquito coil 5
coil 5
TWINKLE mosquito coil 5
CARE mosquito coils 5
DL +coils 9
DREAM GUARD mosquito coils 5
DREAMGUARD mosquito coils 5
GOODWIN mosquito coils 5
HABRO mosquito coils 5
coils 5
KARE mosquito coils 5
LATEST RHOBO mosquito coils 5
MORNITE mosquito coils 5
MYLAL double power coils 5
NAAGAVI mosquito coils 5
PAVETHRA mosquito coils 5
coimbatore CAPITAL 36
coimbatore MIRROR 9, 16, 38
coimbatore RUBAYAT +flower 24
coimbatore TIMES 16
CDM coimbatore dyeing mills 24
CTM coimbatore textile +ova 24
ECM fabrec coimbatore 24
RV cakes kitchen coimbatore 30
T.C.C.M - coimbatore 24
T.C.C.M. coimbatore silky 24
s SHOBHA coimbatore 24
1 SILVER COIN +coin 30
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